Watch out for the young ones.If it doesn’t say,after a long illness,it means a sudden OD.If there’s no fatal car crashin the local news,then he was foundthree days later,in his grubby apartment,rigid as an ironing board,smelling like human waste.If the obituary is brief,it’s because many have disowned him,or taken their fallin advance of his.If there’s… Read More “WHEN READING THE OBITUARIES” by John Grey

A review of Between Two Fires / John Grey By Peter Mladinic

The World Stands on Its Head: a review of Between Two Fires by John Grey. ISBN:978-81-19228-29-4. Cyberwit.net. First Edition: 2023. $15.00 paper The world stands on its head in a moment, in a poem, in poem after poem in John Grey’s new collection, Between Two Fires.  The speaker is an ordinary person performing an extraordinary feat… Read More A review of Between Two Fires / John Grey By Peter Mladinic