Enigma by Joni Caggiano

A cut out silver face mask missing half a forehead and cheek framed in a purple colored frame
Image Source: Canva

fading, my heart envisions

a ripe fig molting tan skin

lying like a sad mason jar

empty, left alone, with a scar

odors float like memories

sparrows sing their hope

your face a repeat movie reel

fingers weep aching to feel

your body folding into mine

tears of laughter jumping

rolling over hills of bare skin

my music, lives, where you’ve been


Joni’s blog is Rum and Robots, where she has published poetry, photography, and short stories. Take a look at Joni’s work in Spillwords Press NYC, Vita Brevis Press, The Finest Example, The Tiny Seed Literary Journal, I Write Her – The Short of it, and MasticadoresUSA. Joni’s work was included in the following anthologies: The Sound of Brilliance (The Short of It Publishing, Volume 1 2020), Inner Eye (Poets Choice, 2021), and It’s Not Easy (Poets Choice 2021). Her blog is an effort to give back – she is a surviving Adult Child of Alcoholics. Joni is a retired nurse and paralegal.

You can also read her writing on Instagram @jonicaggiano and Twitter @theinnerchild1.

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37 thoughts on “Enigma by Joni Caggiano

  1. Joni’s words have a wonderful tendency of caressing the senses. The lines basically read like visuals with the mind taking off to explore the depths of the varied emotions. I love when love and sorrow mix together to give the heart a soft nudge. Memories take us to so many places and we revisit people, places, and incidents that might have been left behind. But the pleasure of knowing that they remain alive inside us is so reassuring. Joy or hurt make us what we are, forever evolving our identities.
    Congratulations Joni!


    1. Thank you so much Terveen for your kind words, they always mean so much to me. You have such an amazing gift at getting right to the meaning of everyone’s work so beautifully, you sure make us writers feel so appreciated. I am so glad to be here, thanks so much for having me. Hugs and gratitude, Joni

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Good Lord!!! This completely sinks deep in and makes my heart ache for a long-time friend/lover who is such a knowing/known part of life…..sigh. Just absolutely gorgeous, dear Joni. Thank You. Wow. And Thank You, Terveen, for publishing!!!!! Cheers! ❤️

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    1. Good late morning here in WA State beautiful Katydid. I am so delighted that you read the rest of my piece here and commented my absolutely gracious friend. Some day you will in fact have this as you are far to talented and kind to not find someone to cherish you. Sending my love and thanks again for reading here. Love Joni (Try to stay cool)

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  3. Oh Joni. you have an Old Master’s touch for painting love scenes both delicate and passionate . As human beings we should not forget our place as an integral part of Nature.. It is not merely a backdrop, or a metaphor.. You are so good at subtly reminding us of this truth. Your love poems encompass all of the parts. 🤗 Much love to you Joni, ❤️

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  4. Dearest Karima you understand me so very well. My poems about love are often drawn from the first young man I loved as he was my safe place when things were so crazy with my parents. I could get away with him and feel safe for a few hours a day in high school. We always were where nature was. I feel such a close connection with trees, birds, and all mammals. I know you are much the same way my friend. Thank you for always reading me here it means a lot to me. I am sending so much love, hugs and blessings for happiness always, Love Joni

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